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Empower Your Inner Psychic by Theresa Cheung Paperback book

Empower Your Inner Psychic

By Theresa Cheung

  • ISBN: 9780008536497
  • Published: 2023-02-01
  • Binding: Paperback

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Book Description:

Tap into your innate power to pick up signals and develop your psychic abilities using ancient divination systems and modern methods.

Those who believe they can sense things beyond time, space and the material are in the majority. A dream coming true, correctly following an inexplicable hunch, noting signs and coincidences, accurately predicting the future; these are all instances of psychic experiences.

Blending personal development and scientific study with mindfulness practices, this book explores the theory behind psychic abilities, along with practical ways in which we can harness them. Through case studies, exercises and meditations, every reader can learn how to empower their decision-making and trust their senses.

About the Author

Theresa Cheung was born into a family of psychics and astrologers. She gave her first public psychic reading at the age of 14 and has been involved in the serious study of the psychic world ever since. In addition to being a tarot reader, she has lectured and organised workshops on numerology, tarot, dreams and other aspects of the psychic world. Theresa has contributed to women's magazines such as Red, She and Here's Health as well as MBS magazines such as Fate and Fortune. She is the author of over 25 health, popular psychology and new age books including The Element Encyclopedia of 20,000 Dreams, Amazing You: Dreams and Teen Psychics.

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Empower Your Inner Psychic

Empower Your Inner Psychic

By Theresa Cheung Paperback
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