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Hitler And Stalin by Laurence Rees Paperback book

Hitler And Stalin

By Laurence Rees

  • ISBN: 9780241979693
  • Published: 2021-10-19
  • Binding: Paperback

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$17.70 Amazon Free Delivery over $39 Shop now
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Book Description:

The bestselling historian on the dramatic wartime relationship - and shocking similarities - between two tyrants

This compelling book on Hitler and Stalin - the culmination of thirty years' work - examines the two tyrants during the Second World War, when Germany and the Soviet Union fought the biggest and bloodiest war in history. Yet despite the fact they were bitter opponents, Laurence Rees shows that Hitler and Stalin were, to a large extent, different sides of the same coin. Both were prepared to create undreamt-of suffering, destroy individual liberty and twist facts in order to build the utopias they wanted, and while Hitler's creation of the Holocaust remains a singular crime, Rees shows why we must not forget that Stalin committed a series of atrocities at the same time.

Using previously unpublished, startling eyewitness testimony from soldiers of the Red Army and Wehrmacht, civilians who suffered during the conflict and those who knew both men personally, bestselling historian Laurence Rees - probably the only person alive who has met Germans who worked for Hitler and Russians who worked for Stalin - challenges long-held popular misconceptions about two of the most important figures in history. This is a master work from one of our finest historians.

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Hitler And Stalin

Hitler And Stalin

By Laurence Rees Paperback
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