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How Rich People Think by Steve Siebold BOOK book

How Rich People Think

By Steve Siebold

  • ISBN: 9781492697343
  • Published: 2019-09-15
  • Binding: BOOK

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Book Description:

In How Rich People Think, author Steve Siebold compares the financial habits and philosophies of the middle class and the world class and outlines the beliefs and strategies that will give you the best shot at becoming a millionaire. The secret is not in the mechanics of money but in the level of thinking that generates it.

Based on decades of interviews with some of the richest people in the world, this candid book will challenge every belief you've ever had about money, and if you're not careful, it may just make you rich.

About the Author

Steve Siebold, CSP, CPCS, is an internationally recognized expert in the field of mental toughness training. His Fortune 500 clients include Johnson & Johnson(TM), Procter & Gamble(TM), GlaxoSmithKline(TM), Toyota(TM) and Harrah's Entertainment(TM).

His first book, 177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class, sold over 100,000 copies. As a professional speaker, Steve addresses approximately 60 live audiences per year and ranks among the top 1% of income earners worldwide. In 2007, Steve won the prestigious Telly Award for most outstanding host for his national television show, Mental Toughness of Champions.

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How Rich People Think

How Rich People Think

By Steve Siebold BOOK
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