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Starfinder Rpg: Drift Crisis by Kate Baker BOOK book

Starfinder Rpg: Drift Crisis

By Kate Baker

  • ISBN: 9781640784192
  • Published: 2022-06-07
  • Binding: BOOK

Where to Buy:

$60.63 Amazon Free Delivery Shop now
$72.90 Booktopia $7.95 Delivery Shop now
$74.50 Angus & Robertson $7.95 Delivery Shop now

Book Description:

In a catastrophic instant, travel through the faster-than-light Drift realm failed, with travelers vanishing in mid-flight, communications scrambling, and the Drift's progenitor god Triune falling mysteriously silent. In the aftermath, empires cling to far-flung holdings, opportunists exploit the chaos, and everyone demands to know what triggered this Drift Crisis and how they can solve it.

The Drift Crisis hardcover rulebook and setting guide details this massive galaxy-wide event, introducing a vast array of new conflicts, opportunities, and stories. Equip your characters with the latest technologies and techniques for surviving the upheaval, with new gear and character options. Discover the influential factions that are restoring order, profiting on the wreckage, or perpetuating the pandemonium. And experience the Drift Crisis with 20 detailed adventure seeds that range from survival to saving the galaxy!

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Starfinder Rpg: Drift Crisis

Starfinder Rpg: Drift Crisis

By Kate Baker BOOK
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