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1788 Words Or Less by Malcolm Knox BOOK book

1788 Words Or Less

By Malcolm Knox

  • ISBN: 9781740512442
  • Published: 0000-00-00
  • Binding: BOOK

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$18.65 Amazon Free Delivery over $39 Shop now
$23.75 Angus & Robertson $7.95 Delivery Shop now

Book Description:

A hilarious re-telling of Australia's glorious history from critically acclaimed author Malcolm KnoxAll the Australian history you'll ever need to know - condensed into a book the size of a passport. Famous faces range from boatpeople Dirk Warthog and the wicked Captain Bligh to great leaders John Macarthur, who rode on the sheep's back, and Sir Henry National Parkes, who had a mighty beard. Australia's top sportspeople rate a mention - Our Don Bradperson and Our Dawnie Fraser. There's an explanation of Australian politics (Responsible and Representative, also known as Reprehensible, Government). And there are plenty of action replays of our most exciting moments- the time when convicts were emaciated; the day Rum'n'Raisins became currency; the distinguished era when sandstone became the new granite; and the baffling one when brave men and camels went inland and got lost. Guaranteed free of spelling errors and factual inaccuracies (conditions apply), 1788 WORDS OR LESS also features the cartoons of BULLETIN and HQ illustrator David Messer.

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1788 Words Or Less

1788 Words Or Less

By Malcolm Knox BOOK
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