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Your Planet Needs You! by Philip Bunting Hardcover book

Your Planet Needs You!

By Philip Bunting

  • ISBN: 9781760506803
  • Published: 2020-05-01
  • Binding: Hardcover

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Book Description:

Nobody really likes to think about rubbish (pee-ew!). But whether you know it or not, waste is part of everyone’s lives. Each year, a single person can create up to a tonne of waste. That’s the equivalent weight of a small hippo!
Where does waste come from? Where does it end up? And what can we do to help our planet? Renowned picture book creator Philip Bunting answers all these questions and more in this entertaining and enlightening look  at how to wallop waste and reduce rubbish.
Your Planet Needs You! is packed with simple and entertaining ways that kids and their families can reduce, re-use, recycle, renew and REALLY GET INVOLVED in cleaning up our planet.

Learn how to start a compost bin, or how to use and old egg carton to sprout your very own seedlings. Get tips on cool things you can do with empty tin cans or an old pair of socks, and discover how long different things take to decompose – from an apple core to a gumboot to a plastic bag.
With a positive outlook and a generous dollop of humour, Your Planet Needs You! shows that taking care of our environment can be both fun and rewarding.
You can be the change! Your planet needs you!

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Your Planet Needs You!

Your Planet Needs You!

By Philip Bunting Hardcover
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