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Wild Place by Christian White Paperback book

Wild Place

By Christian White

  • ISBN: 9781922711779
  • Published: 2022-05-31
  • Binding: Paperback

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Book Description:

Australian suburb of Camp Hill. As rumours of Satanic rituals swirl, schoolteacher Tom Witter becomes convinced he holds the key to the disappearance. When the police won't listen, he takes matters into his own hands with the help of the missing girl's father and a local neighbourhood watch group.

But as dark secrets are revealed and consequences to past actions are faced, Tom learns that the only way out of the darkness is to walk deeper into it. Wild Place peels back the layers of suburbia, exposing what's hidden underneath - guilt, desperation, violence - and attempts to answer the question: why do good people do bad things?

From the international bestselling author Christian White, Wild Place is a white-knuckle descent into a street near you.

ISBN: 9781922711779
Author(s): Christian White

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Wild Place

Wild Place

By Christian White Paperback
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