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Crusaders: An Epic History For The Wars For The Holy Lands by Dan Jones Hardcover book

Crusaders: An Epic History For The Wars For The Holy Lands

By Dan Jones

  • ISBN: 9781781858882
  • Published: 2019-10-21
  • Binding: Hardcover

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Book Description:

Dan Jones, best-selling chronicler of the Middle Ages, turns his attention to the history of the Crusades the sequence of religious wars fought between the late eleventh century and late medieval periods, in which armies from European Christian states attempted to wrest the Holy Land from Islamic rule, and which have left an enduring imprint on relations between the Muslim world and the West.

From the preaching of the First Crusade by Pope Urban II in 1095 to the loss of the last crusader outpost in the Levant in 1302-03, and from the taking of Jerusalem from the Fatimids in 1099 to the fall of Acre to the Mamluks in 1291, Crusaders tells a tale soaked in Islamic, Christian and Jewish blood, peopled by extraordinary characters, and characterised by both low ambition and high principle.

Dan Jones is a master of popular narrative history, with the priceless ability to write page-turning narrative history underpinned by authoritative scholarship.

ISBN: 9781781858882
Author(s): Dan Jones

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Crusaders: An Epic History For The Wars For The Holy Lands

Crusaders: An Epic History For The Wars For The Holy Lands

By Dan Jones Hardcover
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