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Eyewitness: Reptile by DK Paperback book

Eyewitness: Reptile


  • ISBN: 9780241297162
  • Published: 2017-05-29
  • Binding: Paperback

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Book Description:

A unique view of some of the world's most curious living creatures, their intriguing characteristics, and unusual behavior with DK Eyewitness Reptiles. Learn how crocodiles look after their young, how lizards store fat in their tails, and how chameleons swivel their eyes. Find out how snakes are charmed, how geckos walk upside down, why crocodiles swallow stones, and how a snake is milked of venom. With stunning close-up photographs of snakes, crocodiles, lizards, and turtles, Eyewitness Reptiles offers a unique eyewitness view of these amazing creatures. See how an anole lizard frightens its enemies by displaying its bright red beard and watch a boa constrictor swallowing its prey whole. Includes a fact-filled wall chart perfect for bedrooms or classrooms.

ISBN: 9780241297162
Author(s): DK

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Eyewitness: Reptile

Eyewitness: Reptile

By DK Paperback
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