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Heart Talk by Cleo Wade Paperback book

Heart Talk

By Cleo Wade

  • ISBN: 9781760527969
  • Published: 2018-03-14
  • Binding: Paperback

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$19.25 Amazon Free Delivery over $39 Shop now
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Book Description:

A poet, artist and storyteller, Cleo Wade has carved out a reputation as the voice of a generation, blending positivity with arresting honesty to inspire people of all ages. With Heart Talk, she's poured her spiritually and poetically infused wisdom into an accessible book you won't want to be without.

Here, you'll find your daily pep talk, a replenishing pause or a motivational spark to start your day. Keep this book on your bedside table or leave it in your bag to steal a moment for yourself. With Cleo's practical and relatable advice for everyday life, each page will leave you feeling empowered, inspired and at peace.


Not every ground
is a battleground.


Baby, you are the
strongest flower that
ever grew--remember
that when the
weather changes.

About the Author

Cleo Wade works to promote a more peaceful, loving, and accepting world for all through poetry, community building, storytelling, public art, and her uplifting social media presence. Cleo believes that kindness is easier than you think, bravery belongs to all of us, and love is something we all deserve (especially the kind that lives within yourself).

She has been featured on lists of America's 50 Most Influential Women by Marie Claire and 100 Most Creative People in Business by Fast Company, along with features in Vogue, Elle, New York, Essence, W, Glamour, and The New York Times.

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Heart Talk

Heart Talk

By Cleo Wade Paperback
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