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Popular Penguins: The Haunted Hotel by Wilkie Collins Paperback book

Popular Penguins: The Haunted Hotel

By Wilkie Collins

  • ISBN: 9780141045108
  • Published: 2009-07-01
  • Binding: Paperback

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Book Description:

A sinister Countess is driven mad by a dark secret. An innocent woman is made the instrument of retribution. A murdered man's fury reaches beyond the grave.

When Countess Narona marries Agnes Lockwood's fiancà and takes him to live in a rundown Venetian palace, a servant mysteriously vanishes and the husband dies a recluse. But the dead won't rest. When the palace is transformed into a hotel the two women are drawn to its chambers, where a force stronger than death is waiting to wreak its vengeance. . .

ISBN: 9780141045108
Author(s): Wilkie Collins

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Popular Penguins: The Haunted Hotel

Popular Penguins: The Haunted Hotel

By Wilkie Collins Paperback
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