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The Real Meal Revolution 2.0 by Jonno Proudfoot Paperback book

The Real Meal Revolution 2.0

By Jonno Proudfoot

  • ISBN: 9781408710197
  • Published: 2017-04-11
  • Binding: Paperback

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Book Description:

The original book, THE REAL MEAL REVOLUTION, promoting a diet low in carbohydrates and unafraid of healthy fats has sold hundreds of thousands of copies all over the world, inspiring a profound and widespread change in eating habits and improved health to thousands.

THE REAL MEAL REVOLUTION 2.0 provides the distillation of three years of data analysis from 120,000 online users and thousands of success stories, combined with the latest nutritional science and behavioural research.

ISBN: 9781408710197
Author(s): Jonno Proudfoot & The Real Meal Group

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The Real Meal Revolution 2.0

The Real Meal Revolution 2.0

By Jonno Proudfoot Paperback
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