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WA Targeting Handwriting Student Book Year 5 by Susan Young and Jane Pinsker Paperback book

WA Targeting Handwriting Student Book Year 5

By Susan Young, Jane Pinsker

  • ISBN: 9781740201919
  • Published: 2001-01-01
  • Binding: Paperback

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Book Description:

Targeting Handwriting WA Year 5 Student Book contains:

Hints for Legibility
Consolidating Print Script
Fluency and Legibility
Presentation Ideas.

Handwriting is one of the most crucial skills students will develop in primary school. Targeting Handwriting covers the handwriting curriculum in a clear and structured way, with content linked to Western Australian Strand Outcome Statements. To be competent writers, students' handwriting needs to be fluent and legible. Regular practice, three to four times a week in fine motor skills and in letter formation will ensure the development of good handwriting habits.

ISBN: 9781740201919
Author(s): Susan Young & Jane Pinsker

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WA Targeting Handwriting Student Book Year 5

WA Targeting Handwriting Student Book Year 5

By Susan Young and Jane Pinsker Paperback
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